CH Ambroise Paré - Smart Cabinet
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) is a connected technology enabling data exchange between a tag affixed to medical devices and a transmitter (cabinet). Medical devices are tagged to remotely track inventory within the medical department at each stage of the process: from reception to implantation in the patient or return to the cabinet.
2 RFID cabinets were installed in the interventional unit by the end of 2019 for medical device management.
The objective is logistic optimization with:
Real-time stock status and management,
Identification of missing medical devices,
Optimization of expired item tracking,
Elimination of manual counting,
Consignment stock optimization through stock turnover monitoring.
To assess the impact of the RFID solution on security and our organization, we have compared medical device management with and without RFID cabinets using two indicators over a period of 3 months.
The results
The deployment of RFID cabinets has shown very good results, particularly in securing the flows with a traceability rate of close to 100% for Medical Device Implants. The major advantage highlighted in this study is the real-time tracking of DMIs, allowing for the daily detection of discrepancies. Despite the operation of tagging, the pharmacy estimates a significant time savings compared to the previous software. This pilot study should be completed with an assessment of the economic impact to determine the benefits provided by the cabinet in managing expired items, reducing the value of immobilized stock, and minimizing DMI losses.